Expoliva 2017, the countdown begins

Madrid, December 2, 2016. 

Expoliva 2017 is here. Although the year has not yet finished, the first of the meetings that make up the great olive fair has already been held. The first cycle ‘Diálogos de Expoliva’, which took place on Wednesday, analyzed the organizational challenges and innovation strategies facing the olive sector.

Within the framework of Expoliva, the XVIII International Fair of Oil and Related Industries, to be held from May 10 to 13, 2017, the Provincial Fairs and Congresses Center of Jaén (Ifeja) has wanted to organize a series of “dialogues” that promote the dissemination of information on olive oil and generate debate around the major thematic pillars.

The next meeting will arrive on January 26, when the evolution of olive oil will be discussed as seen from experience and entrepreneurship, while the third and last dialogue will take place on April 5. The theme, in this case, will be the strategies to promote the internationalization of the olive growing sector.

INNOLIVA, as producer of ‘premium’ EVOO and expert in the sector, considers it very positive that this type of meeting is held, since the exchange of opinions always contributes to improvement.

Spain is currently the first place in the world in surface and production of olive oil and its production represents around 60% of the production of the EU and 45% of the world.

About Innoliva 

The company, which has its head office in Pamplona (Spain), owns more than 5,000 hectares of irrigated olive groves, located in Spain and Portugal, where the Mediterranean climate gives the olive tree the ideal environment for the development and maturation of the fruit; and it favors the obtaining of Extra Virgin Olive Oils with excellent sensory qualities.

With its production system, they guarantee the integral traceability of the entire process: from the olive tree to the final customer.

They make their Extra Virgin Olive Oil cold in the shortest time possible from the entrance of the olive in the oil mill. And they take care of the oil already produced to maintain their excellent sensory and healthy qualities as long as possible.

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