Increase controls to ensure the quality of olive oil

INNOLIVA supports the implementation of these new systems that give greater security to the olive sector 

Madrid, May 26, 2017.

Cristina Clemente, Deputy Director General of Control and Food Laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), said in one of her speeches at the conference “Agroecological heritage of the olive grove, socio-economic and cultural aspects, threats and opportunities before globalization and climate change “, that Spain will carry out 1,600 controls on olive oil produced the previous season, 300 more than in 2016, with the aim of achieving a better quality in the product.

This procedure, marked by the obligations of the European Union, will also involve the MAPAMA to the Ministries of Health, Trade and Economy, although ultimately the autonomous communities will be responsible for carrying out this process. INNOLIVA has been vindicating for a long time the implementation of new regulations that combat the deceptions that occur around liquid gold.

The MAPAMA has a system that detects aggressive offers in the distribution of olive oil and then the Food Information and Control Agency (AICA) who buys the products and analyzes their quality, checking that they meet the parameters of the law. In addition, Clemente said that the Ministry is working on a method that complements the “panel test” and is a safe alternative for the sector.

INNOLIVA is firmly committed to the highest quality in its EVOO and therefore cultivates its olive groves with Integrated Production methods. In addition, the company based in Navarra, with the objective of guaranteeing maximum food safety, works in the mill through the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points).

About Innoliva 

The company, which has its head office in Pamplona (Spain), owns more than 5,000 hectares of irrigated olive groves, located in Spain and Portugal, where the Mediterranean climate gives the olive tree the ideal environment for the development and maturation of the fruit; and favors obtaining Extra Virgin Olive Oils with excellent sensory qualities.

With its production system, they guarantee the integral traceability of the entire process: from the olive tree to the final customer.

They make their Extra Virgin Olive Oil cold in the shortest time possible from the entrance of the olive in the oil mill. And they take care of the oil already produced to maintain their excellent sensory and healthy qualities as long as possible.

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