Olive oil as a natural source of health

INNOLIVA highlights the importance of spreading this message, while remembering some of the benefits of so-called liquid gold 

Madrid, June 3, 2016.

Today, the great benefits of olive oil for health are no secret to society and showing what this food is capable of doing on our bodies is almost a duty for any producer. INNOLIVA makes a strong defense of the qualities of its product and helps consumers discover new properties.

A diet rich in EVOO can help to combat obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure, as reflected in numerous studies. However, there are so many properties surrounding olive juice that, on many occasions, we do not stop to investigate how it has been proven, what generates it and, above all, how we can benefit from it.

INNOLIVA, whenever it has an opportunity, is echoed on its website (www.innoliva.com) of those reports, news or studies, which deal rigorously with all the questions about the benefits of EVOO, with the aim that consumers interested in monitoring of this subject, or any other related to oil, have easy access to information.

In this sense, the company led by Miguel Rico also puts in value another example of good work in this regard, and is that yesterday held the First National Congress of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Health in Jaén. Scientists, doctors, associations and institutions with international research projects around the benefits of this product were the main ingredients of a day full of Mediterranean flavor.

About Innoliva 

The company, which has its head office in Pamplona (Spain), owns more than 5,000 hectares of irrigated olive groves, located in Spain and Portugal, where the Mediterranean climate gives the olive tree the ideal environment for the development and maturation of the fruit; and it favors the obtaining of Extra Virgin Olive Oils with excellent sensory qualities.

With its production system, they guarantee the integral traceability of the entire process: from the olive tree to the final customer.

They make their Extra Virgin Olive Oil cold in the shortest time possible from the entrance of the olive in the oil mill. And they take care of the oil already produced to maintain their excellent sensory and healthy qualities as long as possible.

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