It is a totally natural product that would avoid conditions such as dermatitis or eczema
Madrid, September 22, 2017
The University of Jaén has developed a natural product based on extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and marine algae that helps prevent skin and ophthalmological diseases. Its components also prevent deterioration, so the expiration date can even double.
As noted in the journal Medical Writing, researchers have achieved that this functional food increases the dose of antioxidants necessary for the skin and eyes -betacarotenes and lutein, respectively-. Thanks to this combination could prevent diseases such as dermatitis, eczema or senile macular degeneration.
Professor Ruperto Bermejo, one of the researchers at the University of Jaén explains:
“The most important thing is that they prevent diseases. In addition, these antioxidants further improve the already good properties that the oil has: they last longer, they are more stable, they degrade less and they get rancorier harder “.
INNOLIVA, which has always highlighted the importance of EVOO as part of our daily diet, highlights once again how this food can be the best ally of our health thanks to the multiple benefits already demonstrated.
Likewise, the production company based in Navarra positively values that studies of this type continue to be carried out, which make it possible to get even more out of this jewel of the Mediterranean diet.
About Innoliva
The company, which has its head office in Pamplona (Spain), owns more than 5,000 hectares of irrigated olive groves, located in Spain and Portugal, where the Mediterranean climate gives the olive tree the ideal environment for the development and maturation of the fruit; and it favors the obtaining of Extra Virgin Olive Oils with excellent sensory qualities.
With its production system, they guarantee the integral traceability of the entire process: from the olive tree to the final customer.
They make their Extra Virgin Olive Oil cold in the shortest time possible from the entrance of the olive in the oil mill. And they take care of the oil already produced to maintain their excellent sensory and healthy qualities as long as possible.